5 Tips for Reading Aloud to Your Kids

Tuesday January 31, 2023 By Barbershop Books

Alvin Irby holding up Gross Greg
Chief Reading Inspirer, Alvin Irby, reading his book Gross Greg.

Reading with your child is a wonderful bonding activity that will set them up for success. We put together some tips below to keep your child engaged.

  1. Create a space just for reading. This can be a bookshelf with a comfy cushion in front of it or even a special “reading chair” where you sit with your child every time you read together. 
  2. Start a reading routine. Whether it’s after the kids wake up or before bed, having a designated time for reading makes it a fun part of everyday life. 
  3. Ask questions. Keep your child engaged by asking what they think will happen next or why they think a character acted a certain way.
  4. Find a genre your child enjoys. You can use our E-Library to explore different types of stories. We believe that all children can enjoy reading if they find a genre that interests them. Our e-library is host to over 20 titles written by diverse authors and is the perfect starting point for any young reader. 
  5. Be silly. Get creative with your voices to keep your young reader engaged. Have fun !

Want more examples of how to read to your children? Click here to watch our Chief Reading Inspirer Alvin Irby’s storytime series. 

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