Stringbean: Tall Tale Chronicles by Rodney Miller
The fourth grade is finally over, and Ronald must find a way to stop the bullying and teasing at school before he starts the fifth grade. He embarks on a journey that teaches him to be careful with what he asks for. Will Ronald erase his string bean image? Will he finally fit in at school? Was he doomed to be the weird, goofy, tall kid? Ronald starts on a self-discovery adventure and finds that people are not always kind. However, it is important to learn to love oneself regardless of what others believe. It has the potential to be a superpower. Dealing with peer pressure, self-doubt, and bullying is not easy, but our main character stumbles along trying to figure out how to be comfortable in his skin. Most of the time, he misses the mark, but with each misstep, he learns something about himself. Prepare to read a book that will both make you laugh and enjoy the rollercoaster journey that is growing up.