A Great Website for Kids You’ve Never Heard Of

Saturday January 2, 2021 By Alvin Irby

I love StoryLineOnline.net! It’s packed full of interesting engaging stories that are read by actors you know and love.

Parents get busy and sometimes teachers get overwhelmed or derailed by an unexpected distraction. There are resources out there that are instructional and engaging and best of all – can be used on the fly. I’m by no means encouraging teachers to be unprepared or haphazard in their planning, but rather acknowledging the reality that sometimes life or the occasional kindergartener’s vomit can throw a monkey wrench into a late afternoon social studies lesson.

Parents maybe you have committed yourself to reading to your child at least 3 times a week and you feel a renege coming on. Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s no reason to fret because Storyline Online has a variety of interesting stories that are read by actors you know and love. Children love to see wonderfully written stories come to life right before their eyes.

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